100 lire coin | Discover the Value of Rare Italian 100 Lira Coins

Who among us does not remember the 100 Lire coins? Do you? Then you’re in the right place.

100 Lire Valore
All the 100 lira coins of Italian Republic

Every now and then they pop up again from some forgotten pocket or in the strangest corners of the cellar.

The hundred lire that we all have in mind are the Acmonital coins (we have talked about this material here) of the Italian Republic, minted from 1955 to 1989, known as “100 lire Minerva”. But more have been minted, and some are even classified as rare coins.

Let’s try to clarify the various rare 100 lire coins that are most valued.

100 Lire Minerva – Type 1

100 Lire Minerva
100 Lire Minerva

The 100 Lira Minerva coin was minted from 1954 to 1989.

  • Diameter 27,8 mm
  • Weight: 8 g
  • Border: Rigato
  • Thickness: 2 mm
  • Material: Acmonital
  • Authors: Giuseppe Romagnoli e Pietro Gianpaoli

The obverse depicts a head of Italy crowned with a laurel wreath looking to the left with the signatures of ROMAGNOLI and GIAMPAOLI INC. underneath; the depiction is based on the iconography of Syracuse coins from the 4th century BC. Around the coin is the inscription REBVBBLICA ITALIANA.

The obverse depicts the goddess Minerva holding a spear in her left hand, while her right hand is reaching towards a laurel tree. The indication of the value L.100 is to the left of the coin, to the right is the R of the Mint of Rome and at the bottom centre is engraved the year of mintage.

Value of 100 Lira Minerva coins

  • The 100 Lira Minerva that are worth the most are for sure the 100 Lira Minerva PROVA 1954, the value of these rare 100 Lira in FDC is 3.000€, they are classified as rare coins R3.

This is the complete table of values for the 100 lire Minerva minted between 1954 and 1989:

Value of 100 lire 1955

1955 was the first year in which the Minerva 100 lire was minted, with a print run of 8,600,000. But how much are 100 Minerva Lira worth?

  • The 100 Lire Marconi 1955, although not rare coins, have a nice price. In fact, their value is 900€ in BU.
  • If the condition falls to Spl, the value of the 100 Lira Marconi 1955 is around 150€.

Now, if you have rare coins like these (but also different rarer coins), you can have fun and earn some money by auctioning them online. We always buy and sell coins at auction using this partner site. It is the largest online coin auction site and we really recommend it. Both selling and buying coins at auction is easy and exciting.

Value of 100 lire 1956

  • The 100 lire 1956 are common coins, their value in FDC is estimated around 250€.
  • The 100 Lira 1956 in Spl cost 45€.

Value of 100 lire 1957

90,600,000 of these coins were minted in 1957.

  • How much are 100 Lira 1957 worth? A 100 Lira 1957 Minerva in FDC has a value of 300€.
  • A 100 lire Minerva 1957 coin, in Spl conservation, is around 45€.

Value of 100 lire 1958

In 1958, 25,640,000 new 100 lire Minerva coins were put into circulation.

  • The 100 Lira 1958 Minerva is worth 550€ if in FDC.
  • The same 100 Lira Minerva 1958 coin in Spl is worth 50€.
  • Any 1958 100 Lira coin, if circulated and in poor condition, is worth very little. But this, in general, also applies to 100 Lira Minerva coins of other years.

100 Lire Minerva Small – Type 2

100 Lire Minerva PICCOLE
100 Lira Minerva Reduced Module

Their name could be 100 Lire Minerva Modulo Ridotto, 100 Lire Piccole o 100 Lire Secondo Tipo.

In 1990, a second type of 100 Lira coin was minted, with the same iconography but much smaller in size. It was precisely the “small size” of the 100 lire peak that made it uncomfortable, which is why it was only minted for a few years, from 1990 to 1992, for a total of 324,000,000 examples.

In addition to the 100 Lire Piccole, the 50 Lire Piccole were also minted…even smaller and therefore uncomfortable.

Variant of the coin:

Some 100 Lira Minerva II Type have also the peculiarity of the date variant:

  • Some coins have the stems of the numeral 99 of the date more closed, this for both 1990 and 1991. This feature makes them interesting and increases their value.

The 100 Lire Piccole was minted in 1990, 1991 and 1992 with these characteristics:

  • Diameter: 18,30 mm
  • Weight: 3,3 g
  • Thickness: 1,86 mm
  • Border: Rigato
  • Material: Acmonital
  • Author: Giuseppe Romagnoli e Pietro Gianpaoli

Value of the Small 100 Lire

How much are the small 100 lire worth?

  • The value of the 100 Lire Piccole, or 100 Modulo Ridotto, is 2€ for 1990/1991/1992
  • 25€ for the 100 Lire Piccole 1990 with the numerals 99 closed.
  • 15€ for the 100 Lira Modulo Ridotto 1991 with the digits 99 of the date closed.

100 Lire Italia Turrita 1993 – Type 2

There are two versions of this coin:

  • 100 Lire Italia Turrita Primo Tipo 1993 – Testa Piccola (Small head)
  • 100 Lire Italia Turrita Secondo Tipo 1993

Let’s start the description from the second type.

100 Lire Italia Turrita
100 Lire Italia Turrita

In 1993, the 100 Italia Turrita lira was minted in cupronickel, with a new iconography by Laura Cretara.

The 100 Lira Italia Turrita was minted from 1993 until 2001.

  • Diameter: 22 mm
  • Weight: 4,5 g
  • Thickness: 1,5 mm
  • Border: Discontinuo Rigato
  • Material: Cupronichelio
  • Author: Laura Cretara
  • Circulation: 911.507.200

On the obverse of this one hundred lira Italia Turrita coin we can see the head of a Turreted Woman. Strands of hair braided in a double helix, like DNA (a reference to the origin and history of Italians), emerge from the veil. At the bottom, together with the name of the author, are two five-pointed stars. All around are engraved the words REPVBBLICA ITALIANA.

On the reverse, the value 100 lire, together with the thousandth and the symbol of the Rome mint R, are at the centre in a circle. Along the edge of the circle are a seagull and a dolphin, representing the freedom of sky and sea, an olive branch and an ear of corn, symbols of peace and freedom.

100 Lire Italia Turrita 1993 – Type 1 – Small Head

100 Lire Italia Turrita Testa Piccola
100 Lira Italy Turrita Small Head

There was also a first version of the coin minted in 1993 with a smaller head and the author’s name in a different position. These 100 Lira Italia Turrita Primo Tipo are to be considered rare R. coins. It is estimated that there may be between 100,000 and 400,000 in circulation.

This variant is the 100 Lire Italia Turrita di Primo Tipo, also known as 100 Lire Italia Turrita Testa Piccola.

Value of the 100 Lira Italia Turrita

How much are the 100 lire Italia Turrita worth?

  • Normally, the 100 Lira Italia Turrita are considered common C coins and can be worth between 2€ and 8€ depending on the year of issue.
  • On 14 May 2011, an example of a 100 Lira Turrita Testa Piccola coin in BU was sold at auction for €180, which is actually its catalogue price.

100 Lire Commemorative Coins

From 1974 to 1995, several 100-Lira Commemorative coins were minted in Italy.

  • 1974 – 100 Lire Marconi
  • 1979 – 100 Lire FAO
  • 1981 – 100 Lire Accademia Navale di Livorno
  • 1995 – 100 Lire FAO Anniversario

Let’s start with the 100 Lire Marconi:

100 Lire 1974 Marconi

100 Lire Guglielmo Marconi 1974
100 Lire Guglielmo Marconi 1974

The first commemorative 100-Lira coin was issued in this year. Coin dedicated to the centenary of Guglielmo Marconi’s birth.

The 100 lire 1974 Marconi has been minted since 1974.

  • Diameter: 27,80 mm
  • Weight: 8 g
  • Thickness: 2 mm
  • Border: Rigato
  • Material: Acmonital
  • Author: Monassi

The obverse depicts the face of Guglielmo Marconi surrounded by the inscription REPVBBLICA ITALIANA and the signature of the author MONASSI under the star at the bottom of the coin.

The reverse depicts the Antenna of the Transceiver invented by Marconi, together with the indication of the centenary 1874-1974 on the left, the value L.100 with the R of the Italian Mint on the right, and the inscription GUGLIELMO MARCONI at the bottom centre on two lines.

Value of the 100 lire Marconi

50,000,000 100 Lira Marconi coins were minted, among which there are also PROVA versions, both in Acmonital and Silver, and the value of the trial versions is greater because they are to all intents and purposes rare 100 Lira coins.

So how much are the Marconi 100 lire worth?

  • 100 Lira Guglielmo Marconi 1974 estimated value €2 for those Cs minted in 50,000,000 pieces.
  • The 100 Lire Marconi PROVA version in Silver, classified as a R2 rare coin, is valued at around 350€.
  • The 100 Lira Guglielmo Marconi value for the Acmonital Proof estimated at 250€ as it is classified as a R rare coin.

100 Lire 1979 FAO – Nutrire il Mondo (Feed the World)

100 Lire FAO 1979
100 Lire FAO 1979

To mark FAO Activity Day, Italy issued a new 100 lira commemorative coin in 1979.

The 100 lire 1979 FAO has been minted since 1979.

  • Diameter: 27,80 mm
  • Weight: 8 g
  • Thickness: 2 mm
  • Border: Rigato
  • Material: Acmonital
  • Author: Sergio Giandomenico

The obverse depicts a maiden’s head with a braid, facing left and surrounded by the inscription REPVBBLICA ITALIANA. In the background the stylisation of the globe and at the bottom the name of the engraver GIANDOMENICO.

On the reverse a cow suckling a calf with the inscription NUTRIRE IL MONDO above it. On the left the R of the Italian Mint of Rome and on the right the value 100 LIRE 1979. At the bottom is the FAO initials.

Value of 100 lire FAO 1979

How much is the 1979 FAO 100 lire worth?

  • FAO 100 Lira 1979 estimated value around 2€.

100 Lire 1981 Accademia Navale di Livorno

100 Lire Accademia Navale Livorno
100 Lire Accademia Navale Livorno

A third commemorative 100 Lira coin was issued in 1981 to celebrate the centenary of the Livorno Naval Academy.

The 100 Lira Naval Academy Livorno has been minted since 1981.

  • Diameter: 27,80 mm
  • Weight: 8 g
  • Thickness: 2 mm
  • Border: Rigato
  • Material: Acmonital
  • Author: Mario Vallucci / Moreno Moppi

The obverse depicts in the centre a rudder and an anchor surmounted by a turreted crown. Around it is the inscription REPVBBLICA ITALIANA, while the signature of the engraver M. Vallucci is at the bottom centre of the coin.

On the reverse is the flag of the Italian Navy with the Naval Academy building in Livorno in the background, the dates 1881 and 1981, and the inscription CENTENARIO ACCADEMIA NAVALE DI LIVORNO. On the bottom right is the signature of the author MOPPI.

Value of 100 Lire Accademia Navale Livorno Coins

How much are the 1981 100 lire of the Livorno Naval Academy worth?

  • The 100 Lira Accademia Navale di Livorno minted in 1981 reaches a value of more than 2€ even in the best state of preservation.

100 Lire FAO 1995

100 Lire Anniversario FAO 1995
100 Lire FAO 1995

The 100 lire FAO II type is the fourth and last 100 lire commemorative coin of the Italian Republic to be minted and, like the first, is dedicated to FAO.

In this case it commemorates the 50th Anniversary of FAO.

The 100 lire FAO II type was minted in 1995.

  • Diameter: 22 mm
  • Weight: 4,5 g
  • Thickness: 1,5 mm
  • Border: Discontinuo Rigato
  • Material: Cupronichelio
  • Author: Laura Cretara
  • Circulation: 100.007.960

On the obverse, the image is the same as that of the one hundred lira Italia Turrita, with Italia Turrita facing left, the word REPVBBLICA ITALIANA around it, and Laura Cretara’s signature under the neck near the two stars.

On the reverse side there is an indication of the value of 100 LIRE intertwined with an olive branch and an ear of corn. In the background, meridians and parallels recall the globe, with the fiftieth anniversary symbol and the dates 1945-1995 at its pole.

Value of 100 Lire FAO II

How much is the 1995 FAO 100 lire worth?

  • Nevertheless, the current value remains low and does not exceed €2.

Value of 100 Lire Rare Coins

Even the one hundred lira coins, like many other lira coins that we have seen in other articles, can have interesting values and quotations. The value of 100 lire can vary from a few coins to hundreds of euros, depending on various parameters that we will describe.

It should always be remembered that only coins in FdC quality achieve the prices often described: if the coin shows signs of wear and circulation, the value of a rare hundred lire is unlikely to be very high.

100 Lire Banknote

There are two versions of 100 lira banknotes, both from the Kingdom of Italy.

100 lire di carta del 1874
100 lire 1874 (banknote)

An early version of the 100 lire paper banknote was that of 1874, in light blue, with the value in the centre on the front of the banknote and an effigy of a woman on the back.

A second 100 lire note was issued in 1897, in a brownish colour.

During the 20-year Fascist period, the Bank of Italy created only three new types of banknotes, including the 100 lire note issued in 1931. In the last periods of the Fascist government, some moulds from the beginning of the century were recycled and 100 lire banknotes were printed in a different colour (straw yellow).

FAQ’s about 100 Lire

Didn’t find what you were looking for? Check out these topics about lira coins:

4 thoughts on “100 lire coin | Discover the Value of Rare Italian 100 Lira Coins”

  1. I have a 1972 and a 1976 if anyone is interested in buying them. Perfect condition. Thank you.

  2. 1957 R L.100 very good shape, shiny and can see everything on it clearly , want to sell.

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