2 Euro Vatican Commemorative Coins Complete Guide and Values

2 Euro Vatican Commemorative Coins

Table of Contents

In this article, we will analyze the 2 Euro Vatican Commemorative Coins, which are all the coins minted by the Rome Mint on behalf of the Vatican State, in the denomination of 2 euros, commemorating a specific event.

As always, our goal is to understand the characteristics of these coins, what makes them unique, the historical events tied to their minting, and of course, what is the value these commemorative euros hold in the market.

Table with Values of 2 Euro Vatican Commemorative Coins

The 2 Euro Vatican commemorative coins are all classified as rare coins and minted by the Rome Mint. Their value ranges from €25 to €220. Below is the table with mintage numbers and values year by year.

CoinRarityMintagePrice (fdc)
2004 75th Anniversary of the Vatican StateR85,000€110
2005 World Youth DayR100,000€220
2006 Swiss GuardR100,000€200
2007 Pope Benedict XVI BirthdayR100,000€125
2008 St. PaulR100,000€60
2009 International Year of AstronomyR100,000€50
2010 Year of the PriesthoodR111,000€40
2011 World Youth DayR106,000€35
2012 Family MeetingR103,000€35
2013 Sede VacanteR125,000€50
2014 Berlin Wall CollapseR104,000€50
2015 Family MeetingR122,000€30
2016 Vatican GendarmerieR98,000€35
2017 Apparition of FatimaR98,000€35
2018 Cultural HeritageR94,000€30
2019 90th Anniversary of the Vatican StateR84,000€35
2020 Raphael SanzioR76,000€30
2021 Dante AlighieriR81,300€30
2022 Mother Teresa of CalcuttaR77,250€30
2023 Alessandro ManzoniR79,500€25
2 Euro Vatican Commemorative Coins
A collection containing some of the Vatican City’s 2 Euro Commemorative Coins
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2 Euro Vatican 2004 – 75th Anniversary of the Vatican State

2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2004
2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2004

The first coin in this collection commemorates the 75th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Vatican State.

On the Obverse, the coin features a representation of the Vatican City’s perimeter with St. Peter’s Square and its Basilica at the center. To the left, there is the circular inscription “75° ANNO DELLO STATO” and on the upper right, the dates “1929 – 2004.”

On the right are the mintmark “R” and the names of the sculptor “VEROI” and the author “L.D.S. Inc.”

All around are 12 five-pointed stars representing the European states, while on the Reverse, the coin has the same design as other 2 Euro coins.

Value of the 2 Euro Vatican 2004

The value of the 2 Euro Vatican 2004 coin commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Vatican State is €110.

2 Euro Vatican 2005 – World Youth Day

2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2005
2 Euro Vatican Commemorative Coins 2005

The second 2 Euro commemorative coin from the Vatican commemorates the World Youth Day.

Specifically, on the Obverse, the coin features an image of the Cologne Cathedral with a comet star above it. Surrounding it is the circular inscription “XX GIORNATA MONDIALE DELLA GIOVENTU.”

On the left are the names of the sculptor “LONGO” and the engraver “E.L.F. Inc.” Around the edge are 12 five-pointed stars interrupted at the top by the mintmark and the year of minting, while at the bottom by the inscription “CITTÀ DEL VATICANO.”

On the Reverse, the coin features the same design as the other 2 Euro coins.

Value of the 2 Euro Vatican 2005

The 2 Euro Vatican 2005 coin commemorating the World Youth Day has a value of €220.

2 Euro Vatican 2006 – 500th Anniversary of the Swiss Guard

2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2006 500th Anniversary of the Swiss Guard
2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2006 500th Anniversary of the Swiss Guard

Let’s move on to another coin, which commemorates the 500th Anniversary of the Swiss Guard.

On the Obverse, the coin depicts a Swiss Guard taking his oath to the Pope while holding a flag. At the top is the arched inscription “GUARDIA SVIZZERA PONTIFICIA,” while at the bottom, another arched inscription reads “CITTÀ DEL VATICANO.”

On the left is the date 1506, and on the right, the mintmark and year of minting, 2006. Near the flagpole is the author’s name “O.ROSSI,” while beneath the mintmark are the engraver’s initials “M.C.C. INC.” All around, as usual, are the 12 five-pointed stars representing the European states.

On the Reverse, the coin features the same design as other 2 Euro coins.

Value of the 2 Euro Vatican 2006

The value of the 2 Euro Vatican 2006 coin, minted to commemorate the 500th Anniversary of the Swiss Guard, is €200.

2 Euro Vatican 2007 – 80th Birthday of Pope Benedict XVI

2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2007 Pope Benedict XVI
2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2007 Pope Benedict XVI

We arrive at the first coin honoring a very important figure. Specifically, this 2 Euro coin commemorates the 80th Birthday of Pope Benedict XVI.

On the Obverse, there is a portrait of Pope Benedict XVI facing left, surrounded by the circular inscription “BENEDICTI XVI P.M. ÆTATIS ANNO LXXX • CITTA’ DEL VATICANO,” with the name of the city slightly larger. On the left are the mintmark “R” and the year of minting, 2007. Below, we find the author’s and engraver’s names. All around are the 12 stars representing the European Union states.

On the Reverse, the coin features the same design as other 2 Euro coins.

Value of the 2 Euro Vatican 2007

The value of the 2 Euro Vatican 2007 coin commemorating the 80th Birthday of Pope Benedict XVI is €125.

2 Euro Vatican 2008 – 2000 Years Since the Birth of St. Paul

2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2008 St. Paul
2 Euro Vatican Commemorative Coins of 2008 St. Paul

Another coin dedicated to a highly significant historical and religious figure. Specifically, we are talking about St. Paul and the coin commemorating 2000 years since his birth.

On the Obverse, the coin depicts the conversion of St. Paul on the road to Damascus. In the foreground, St. Paul is seen on his horse, startled by a sudden light. In the background, Damascus can be seen. On the left is the inscription “CITTÀ DEL VATICANO,” while on the right is “ANNO SANCTO PAULO DICATO.”

Also on the right are the year of minting, the mintmark, and the author’s name, while below are the engraver’s initials. Around the edge, as always, are the 12 five-pointed stars representing the European states. On the Reverse, the coin is identical to other 2 Euro coins.

Value of the 2 Euro Vatican 2008

The value of the 2 Euro Vatican 2008 coin commemorating 2000 years since the birth of St. Paul is €60.

2 Euro Vatican 2009 – International Year of Astronomy

2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2009 International Year of Astronomy
2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2009 International Year of Astronomy

Let’s now discuss a coin dedicated to the world of science. This 2 Euro commemorative coin of the Vatican was minted to honor the International Year of Astronomy.

On the Obverse, there is a beautiful geometric design divided into four parts. The upper right section shows the “Creation of the Stars” by Michelangelo, the upper left features Galileo’s telescope, the lower left depicts a sundial, and the lower right displays a modern telescope.

At the bottom of the design, there is a sun surrounded by stars and planets. Above this design are the mintmark and year of minting, while the author’s and engraver’s names are on the left and right, respectively.

Surrounding the design are the 12 five-pointed stars representing the European states. On the Reverse, the coin features the same design as other standard 2 Euro coins.

Value of the 2 Euro Vatican 2009

The value of the 2 Euro Vatican 2009, commemorating the International Year of Astronomy, is €50.

2 Euro Vatican 2010 – Year of the Priest

2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2010
2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2010

We return to a coin minted for a religious celebration. This time, it’s a 2 Euro coin commemorating the Year of the Priest.

On the Obverse, there is a depiction of a scene where a shepherd tries to save a sheep from a lion’s mouth. At the top, in an arch, is the inscription “•CITTA’ DEL VATICANO•,” while at the bottom, in smaller text, is “ANNO SACERDOTALE.”

On the left is the year of minting, the mintmark is at the bottom, and the author’s and engraver’s initials are on the right.

Surrounding the design are the 12 five-pointed stars representing the European states. On the Reverse, the coin features the usual design depicting Europe.

Value of the 2 Euro Vatican 2010

The value of the 2 Euro Vatican 2010 commemorative coin, minted in honor of the Year of the Priest, is €40.

2 Euro Vatican 2011 – XXVI World Youth Day

2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2011
2 Euro Vatican Commemorative Coins 2011

We return to a coin celebrating World Youth Day. Specifically, this coin commemorates the XXVI World Youth Day.

On the Obverse, it depicts youth lifting the official logo of the event, along with the Spanish and Vatican flags. At the bottom of the coin is the inscription “CITTA’ DEL VATICANO,” while at the top are the inscriptions “XXVI” and “G.M.G.” Within the design, the year of minting, the mintmark, and the initials of the author “O.ROSSI” are visible, with the engraver’s initials “M.C.C. INC.” on the right.

Surrounding the design are the 12 five-pointed stars representing the European states. On the Reverse, the coin features the same design as other 2 Euro coins.

Value of the 2 Euro Vatican 2011

Value: The value of the 2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2011 for the XXVI World Youth Day is €35.

2 Euro Vatican 2012 – VII World Meeting of Families

2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2012 VII World Meeting of Families
2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2012 VII World Meeting of Families

The next coin we will examine was minted to commemorate the VII World Meeting of Families held in Milan.

On the Obverse, the coin depicts a family with Milan Cathedral Square in the background, the site of the meeting. At the top, there is the arched inscription “CITTA’ DEL VATICANO,” while at the bottom, also in an arch, is “VII INCONTRO MONDIALE DELLE FAMIGLIE.” On the left of the design, the names of the author and engraver are present, while the year of minting is on the right. The mintmark “R” is located at the bottom.

Surrounding the coin are the 12 five-pointed stars representing the European states. The Reverse of these 2 Euro Vatican commemorative coins is the same as that of other 2 Euro coins.

Value of the 2 Euro Vatican Commemorative Coins 2012

The value of the 2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2012, commemorating the VII World Meeting of Families, is €35.

2 Euro Vatican 2013 – Sede Vacante 2013

2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2013 Sede Vacante
2 Euro Vatican Commemorative Coins 2013 Sede Vacante

Let’s move on to the 2 Euro coin minted for the Sede Vacante of 2013. On the Obverse, we see the coat of arms of the Camerlengo, which is placed above the emblem of the Apostolic Chamber.

Surrounding the design are the inscriptions “CITTA’ DEL VATICANO” on the left and “SEDE VACANTE MMXIII” on the right. At the bottom, we find the author’s name “P. DANIELE” and the engraver’s initials “M.C.C. INC.” The mintmark “R” is slightly to the left. Surrounding the coin are the 12 five-pointed stars representing the European states.

The Reverse of the 2013 “Sede Vacante” 2 Euro Vatican coin features the same design as other 2 Euro coins.

Value of the 2 Euro Vatican 2013

Value: The value of the 2 Euro Vatican 2013, commemorating the Sede Vacante of 2013, is €50.

2 Euro Vatican 2013 – XXVIII World Youth Day

2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2013
2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2013

Now, let’s discuss another Vatican 2 Euro coin commemorating a World Youth Day. Specifically, this coin was minted in honor of the XXVIII World Youth Day.

On the Obverse, it depicts the statue of Christ the Redeemer, the famous statue in Rio de Janeiro, surrounded by celebrating youth. Around it is the inscription “XXVIII G.M.G. CITTÀ DEL VATICANO RIO 2013.” On the right are the mintmark and the author’s name. As with other coins, the 12 five-pointed stars representing the European Union states surround the design.

The Reverse is the same as other 2 Euro coins.

Value of the 2 Euro Vatican 2013

The 2 Euro Vatican 2013, minted to commemorate the XXVIII World Youth Day, has a value of €32.

2 Euro Vatican 2014 – 25th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall

2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2014 25th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall
2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2014 25th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall

Now we discuss a coin commemorating a pivotal event in human history. This 2 Euro Vatican commemorative coin was minted for the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

On the Obverse, there are fallen bricks from the Berlin Wall, engraved with the text “XXV ANNIVERSARIO DEL CROLLO DEL MURO DI BERLINO 1989 2014.” In the background, among bricks and barbed wire, there is an olive branch rising above the Brandenburg Gate. Surrounding the coin are 12 five-pointed stars representing the European states.

At the top is the arched inscription “CITTA’ DEL VATICANO,” and at the bottom, the mintmark, the author’s name “G. TITOTTO,” and the engraver’s initials.

The Reverse shows the map of the Eurozone, similar to other 2 Euro coins.

Value of the 2 Euro Vatican 2014

The value of the 2 Euro Vatican 2014, commemorating the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, is €50.

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2 Euro Vatican 2015 – VIII World Meeting of Families

2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2015 VIII World Meeting of Families
2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2015 VIII World Meeting of Families

Here is another 2 Euro Vatican coin minted to commemorate a family meeting. This coin was created for the VIII edition of the World Meeting of Families.

On the Obverse, the coin features a globe surrounded by two families embracing it. The design is encircled by two inscriptions. At the top is “VIII INCONTRO MONDIALE DELLE FAMIGLIE,” while at the bottom is “CITTA’ DEL VATICANO.” Between the inscription and the design, the mint year is above, the author’s and engraver’s names are on the left, and the mintmark is on the arm of one of the family members on the right.

Also surrounding the coin are the 12 five-pointed stars representing the European states.

The Reverse is identical to a standard 2 Euro coin.

Value of the 2 Euro Vatican 2015

The value of the 2 Euro Vatican 2015, commemorating the VIII World Meeting of Families, is €30.

2 Euro Vatican 2016 – 200th Anniversary of the Vatican Gendarmerie

2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2016 Vatican Gendarmerie
2 Euro Vatican Commemorative Coins 2016 Vatican Gendarmerie

We now turn to another 2 Euro commemorative coin from the Vatican City State. This coin celebrates the 200th Anniversary of the Vatican Gendarmerie.

On the Obverse, there is a Gendarme facing the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica, positioned to his left. Two inscriptions encircle the coin. At the top, “CORPO DELLA GENDARMERIA 1816 • 2016,” and at the bottom, “CITTA’ DEL VATICANO.” The author’s name is on the right, while on the left are the mintmark and the engraver’s initials.

As usual, the 12 five-pointed stars representing the European states surround the coin.

The Reverse features the map of Europe, similar to other 2 Euro coins.

Value of the 2 Euro Vatican 2016

The 2 Euro Vatican Commemorative Coin 2016 minted in honor of the 200th anniversary of the Vatican Gendarmerie has a value of €35.

2 Euro Vatican 2016 – Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy

2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2016 Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy
2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2016 Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy

Another 2 Euro Vatican commemorative coin minted for a religious event. This time it celebrates the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy.

On the Obverse, the 2016 Vatican coin features Saint Martin of Tours on horseback, dividing his cloak with a sword to share it with a poor man kneeling at his feet. The design is surrounded by the inscriptions “GIUBILEO DELLA MISERICORDIA” and “CITTA’ DEL VATICANO”.

On the right is the mint year, while the bottom shows the mintmark and the names of the designer and engraver. Surrounding the coin are the usual 12 five-pointed stars representing the European states.

The Reverse is the same as other 2 Euro Vatican commemorative coins.

Value of the 2 Euro Vatican 2016

The value of the 2 Euro Vatican 2016, commemorating the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, is €30.

2 Euro Vatican 2017 – 1950 Years of the Martyrdom of Saints Peter and Paul

2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2017 Martyrdom of Saints Peter and Paul
2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2017 Martyrdom of Saints Peter and Paul

This coin holds incredible historical and religious significance. It was minted to honor the 1950th anniversary of the martyrdom of Saints Peter and Paul.

On the Obverse, the effigies of the two Saints, Peter and Paul, appear alongside their symbols: the key and the sword. The inscriptions “CITTA’ DEL VATICANO” at the top and “1950° DEL MARTIRIO DEI SANTI PIETRO E PAOLO” in the remaining space encircle the design. On the right is the mint year, on the left is the mintmark, and at the bottom are the names of the designer and engraver.

As always, the 12 five-pointed stars representing the European states surround the coin.

The Reverse features the common design of commemorative and regular 2 Euro coins.

Value of the 2 Euro Vatican 2017

The 2 Euro Vatican Commemorative Coins 2017, minted for the 1950th anniversary of the martyrdom of Saints Peter and Paul, has a value of €35.

2 Euro Vatican 2017 – 100th Anniversary of the Apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima

2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2017 Our Lady of Fatima
2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2017 Our Lady of Fatima

Another coin commemorates an immensely important religious event. This 2 Euro coin celebrates the 100th anniversary of the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima.

On the Obverse, the coin depicts the three shepherd children who saw the Virgin Mary, with the Fatima Sanctuary in the background. At the top is the arched inscription “CITTA’ DEL VATICANO,” with the dates 1917 and 2017 below. Underneath the date 1917 is the inscription “FATIMA.”

Below this, the mintmark “R” appears. At the bottom left and right are the signatures of the designer and engraver, respectively. Surrounding the coin are the usual 12 five-pointed stars representing the European states. On the Reverse, the coin features the same design as other 2 Euro coins.

Value of the 2 Euro Vatican 2017

The value of the 2 Euro Vatican Commemorative Coin 2017, minted in honor of the 100th anniversary of the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima, is €35.

2 Euro Vatican 2018 – European Year of Cultural Heritage

2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2018 Cultural Heritage
2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2018 Cultural Heritage

Now, let’s look at a commemorative coin created for cultural purposes. This 2 Euro coin was minted in honor of the European Year of Cultural Heritage.

On the Obverse, the 2018 Vatican coin features the artwork “Laocoön Group”, representing the priest Laocoön and his sons battling serpents, a sculpture housed in the Vatican Museums. Surrounding it is the inscription “ANNO EUROPEO DEL PATRIMONIO CULTURALE,” with “CITTA’ DEL VATICANO” in two lines at the bottom.

At the top right are the mint year and the mintmark, while the names of the engraver and designer are on the left and right. The coin is encircled by the usual 12 five-pointed stars representing the European states.

The Reverse shows the common representation of Europe found on all 2 Euro coins.

Value of the 2 Euro Vatican 2018

The 2 Euro Vatican 2018 coin, minted to commemorate the European Year of Cultural Heritage, has a value of €30.

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2 Euro Vatican 2018 – 50th Anniversary of the Death of Padre Pio

2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2018 Padre Pio
2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2018 Padre Pio

We now come to the penultimate coin in this collection. Specifically, this 2 Euro coin was minted to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the death of Padre Pio.

On the Obverse, at the center, is the effigy of Padre Pio, with the inscription “CITTA’ DEL VATICANO” at the top and the cursive text “Padre Pio” at the bottom. To the left of the portrait is the date “1968” and, below it, the signature of the designer “P. Daniele.” On the right is the mint year “2018,” with the initials of the engraver “VDS INC.” and the mintmark below.

The coin is encircled by the 12 five-pointed stars representing the European states, while the Reverse features the standard design of all 2 Euro coins.

Value of the 2 Euro Vatican 2018

The value of the 2 Euro Vatican 2018 coin, minted in honor of the 50th anniversary of the death of Padre Pio, is €30.

2 Euro Vatican 2019 – 90th Anniversary of the Establishment of Vatican City State

2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2019
2 Euro Vatican Commemorative Coins 2019

The final 2 Euro Vatican commemorative coin was minted in honor of the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the Vatican City State.

On the Obverse, we see the effigy of Pope Pius XI facing left, with the Lateran Palace and its iconic obelisk in the background. At the top is the inscription “STATO DELLA CITTA’ DEL VATICANO,” while at the bottom are the dates “1929” and “2019.” The designer’s signature “FUSCO” is at the bottom, and the mintmark “R” is on the right.

Surrounding the coin are the 12 five-pointed stars representing the European states, and on the Reverse, it features the common side of all 2 Euro coins.

Value of the 2 Euro Vatican 2019

The value of this 2 Euro Vatican Commemorative Coin 2019, minted in honor of the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the Vatican City State, is €35.

2 Euro Vatican 2019 – Restoration of the Sistine Chapel

2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2019 Sistine Chapel
2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2019 Sistine Chapel

Also in 2019, the Vatican minted the 2 Euro Commemorative Coin 2019 dedicated to the Sistine Chapel Restoration. The coin celebrates the completion of restoration works that began in 1994. It was issued on October 1, 2019.

The Obverse features the depiction of Christ the Judge and Mary, a detail from Michelangelo’s “Last Judgment” fresco in the Sistine Chapel. On the left, there is the inscription “CITTÀ DEL VATICANO,” while on the right, it reads “CAPPELLA SISTINA – FINE DEI RESTAURI” along with the dates 1994 – 2019 and the mintmark R.

At the bottom, the signatures of the designer and engraver, D. Longo and A. Masini, are present. The outer ring of the coin features the stars of the European Union in a circle. The Reverse corresponds to the standard value side of the coin, showing the value of 2 Euros (Common Side).

Designer: Daniela Longo
Engraver: Annalisa Masini

Value of the 2 Euro Vatican 2019 – Sistine Chapel

The value of this 2 Euro Vatican Commemorative Coin 2019, minted to honor the completion of the Sistine Chapel restoration, is €35.

2 Euro Vatican 2020 – 100th Anniversary of Pope John Paul II

2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2020 John Paul II
2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2020 John Paul II

The 2 Euro Vatican Commemorative Coins 2020 celebrates the 100th Anniversary of Pope John Paul II. Karol Józef Wojtyla was born in 1920, became Pope on October 16, 1978, and served until April 2, 2005. The coin was issued on June 23, 2020.

On the Obverse, the coin depicts Pope Wojtyla on the right, with the dates 1920 and 2020 and the mintmark R. To the left, the inscription reads “PAPA GIOVANNI PAOLO II,” alongside the Wadowice Basilica in Poland under a depiction of a lunar eclipse within a star symbolizing the Virgin Mary. The eclipse occurred on both his birth and death dates, making it a symbol associated with this beloved Pope.

The designers’ signatures appear below the Basilica, while a laurel branch is featured at the bottom, along with the inscription “CITTÀ DEL VATICANO.” The coin’s nickel outer ring displays the 12 stars of the European Union in a circle.

The Common Side is on the Reverse, showing the 2 Euro value.

Designer: G. Titotto
Engraver: Maria Angela Cassol

Value of the 2 Euro Vatican 2020 – John Paul II

The 2 Euro Vatican Commemorative Coin 2020, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of John Paul II, is valued at €40.

2 Euro Vatican 2020 – 500th Anniversary of Raphael’s Death

2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2020 Raphael
2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2020 Raphael

Also in 2020, the 2 Euro Vatican Commemorative Coin 2020 was minted to honor the 500th Anniversary of the death of Raphael, the famous Renaissance painter. The coin was issued on October 16, 2020.

On the Obverse, to the left, there is Raphael’s self-portrait, taken from his fresco The School of Athens (circa 1510), located in the Room of the Segnatura at the Vatican Museums. On the right, in a semicircle, the inscription reads “RAFFAELLO SANZIO,” below which are the dates 1520 and 2020, along with the two winged cherubs from his work The Sistine Madonna.

Below the cherubs, the inscription “CITTÀ DEL VATICANO,” the mintmark “R,” and the signatures of the designers, D. Longo and SP INC, are engraved. Surrounding the outer ring are the 12 stars of the European Union.

The Reverse features the Common Side, identical to all 2 Euro coins.

Designer: Daniela Longo
Engraver: Silvia Petrassi

Value of the 2 Euro Vatican 2020 – Raphael

The 2 Euro Vatican Commemorative Coin 2020, dedicated to the 500th Anniversary of Raphael’s death, is valued at €30.

2 Euro Vatican 2021 – 450th Anniversary of Caravaggio’s Birth

2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2021 Caravaggio
2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2021 Caravaggio

The 2 Euro Vatican Commemorative Coins 2021, dedicated to the 450th Anniversary of the birth of the great Italian painter Michelangelo Merisi, known as Caravaggio, was issued on June 25, 2021.

On the Obverse, the coin features the famous oil painting Boy with a Basket of Fruit (1592), housed in Rome. To the right of the painting is the signature of the engraver Uliana Pernazza (UP. INC). The top inscription reads “CITTÀ DEL VATICANO,” while below are the words “CARAVAGGIO” and the dates 1571-2021.

Surrounding the outer nickel ring are the 12 stars of the European Union arranged in a circle. The Reverse features the Common Side of the coin showing its value.

Designer: Uliana Pernazza

2 Euro 2021 Vatican Caravaggio
2 Euro 2021 Vatican Caravaggio

Value of the 2 Euro Vatican 2021 with Caravaggio

The 2 Euro Vatican Commemorative Coin 2021, dedicated to the 450th anniversary of Caravaggio’s birth, is valued at €30.

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2 Euro Vatican 2021 – 700th Anniversary of Dante Alighieri’s Death

2 Euro Vatican 2021 Dante Alighieri
2 Euro Vatican 2021 Dante Alighieri

The 2 Euro Vatican 2021 Dante Alighieri coin was issued to commemorate the 700th anniversary of his death. The coin was released on October 26, 2021.

On the Obverse, Dante Alighieri is depicted facing right, with the Palazzo Vecchio of Florence shown on his right. Below the palace are Dante’s signature and the mintmark “R.” Above, the inscription reads “CITTÀ DEL VATICANO,” and below are the dates 1321-2021. The signatures of the designer P. DANIELE and the engraver A. M. INC are located under Dante’s portrait. The outer ring displays the 12 stars symbolizing Europe.

Designer: Patrizio Daniele

Engraver: A. M. INC

The Reverse features the Common Side of the 2 Euro coin.

Value of the 2 Euro Vatican 2021 – Dante Alighieri

The 2 Euro Vatican Commemorative Coin 2021, dedicated to the 700th anniversary of Dante Alighieri’s death, is valued at €30.

2 Euro Vatican 2022 – Mother Teresa of Calcutta

2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2022 Mother Teresa of Calcutta
2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2022 Mother Teresa of Calcutta

The 2 Euro Vatican 2022 Mother Teresa of Calcutta coin was issued to mark the 25th anniversary of her death, which occurred in 1997. The coin was released on September 6, 2022.

On the Obverse, Mother Teresa of Calcutta is depicted on the left in one of her iconic images, holding an Indian child, clasping its hand, and smiling. Below is the signature of the designer O. ROSSI (Orietta Rossi). On the right are the dates 1997 and 2022, with the mintmark R of the Rome Mint above. The inscription MOTHER TERESA OF CALCUTTA is at the top, and CITTÀ DEL VATICANO at the bottom. Surrounding the design are the five-pointed stars of Europe arranged in a circle.

Designer: Orietta Rossi

The Reverse features the Common Side of the 2 Euro coin.

Value of the 2 Euro Vatican 2022 – Mother Teresa

The 2 Euro Vatican Commemorative Coin 2022, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Mother Teresa’s death, is valued at €30.

2 Euro Vatican 2022 – Pope Paul VI

2 Euro Vatican 2022 Pope Paul VI
2 Euro Vatican 2022 Pope Paul VI

The 2 Euro Vatican 2022 Pope Paul VI coin was issued to commemorate the 125th anniversary of his birth. The coin was released on September 6, 2022.

On the Obverse, Pope Paul VI is depicted standing, greeting the crowd with open arms and smiling. To the lower left is the signature of the designer D. LONGO (Daniela Longo), while on the right is the engraver’s signature MAC. INC (Maria Angela Cassol). Surrounding the design are the inscriptions CITTÀ DEL VATICANO at the top, POPE PAUL VI on the right, and the dates 1897 and 2022 with the mintmark R on the left.

Designer: Daniela Longo

Engraver: Maria Angela Cassol

On the Reverse, the Common Side of the 2 Euro coin is depicted, showing the value and a map of Europe without borders.

Value of the 2 Euro Vatican 2022 – Pope Paul VI

The 2 Euro Vatican Commemorative Coins 2022, dedicated to the 125th anniversary of Pope Paul VI’s birth, is valued at €30.

2 Euro Vatican 2023 – Perugino

2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2023 Perugino
2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2023 Perugino

The 2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2023 Perugino was minted to celebrate 500 years since the death of the painter Pietro di Cristoforo Vannucci, known as Perugino, who passed away in 1523. Issued on June 20, 2023.

On the Obverse, the coin features the portrait of Perugino on the right and the Baptism of Christ on the left, along with the mintmark R of the Rome Mint. The inscription CITTÁ DEL VATICANO is at the top. Above Perugino’s left shoulder is the signature of the designer Daniela Fusco, marked as FUSCO. Next to his right shoulder are the initials of the engraver Annalisa Masini, marked as INC A.M.. At the bottom of the coin is the inscription PERUGINO and the dates 1523 – 2023, surrounded by the 12 stars of the European Union.

Designer: Daniela Fusco
Engraver: Annalisa Masini

On the Reverse, the coin shows the value of 2 EURO.

2 Euro Vatican 2023 Perugino Self-Portrait and Baptism of Christ
2 Euro Vatican 2023 Perugino Self-Portrait and Baptism of Christ

The portrait on the coin is based on the fresco “Ornamentation of the Cambio” featuring Perugino’s Self-Portrait, created in 1500 and measuring 40 x 30.5 cm, located at the Collegio del Cambio in Perugia. The Baptism of Christ is taken from the “Cycle of the Life of Jesus” fresco in the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican, created in 1482 and measuring 335 x 540 cm.

Value of the 2 Euro Vatican 2023 – Perugino

The 2 Euro Vatican Commemorative Coin 2023, dedicated to the 500th anniversary of Pietro Vannucci, known as Perugino, has a value of €25.

2 Euro Vatican 2023 – Alessandro Manzoni

2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2023 Alessandro Manzoni
2 Euro Vatican Commemorative 2023 Alessandro Manzoni

The 2 Euro Vatican Commemoratives 2023 Alessandro Manzoni was issued to mark the 150th anniversary of Alessandro Manzoni’s death. Released on October 27, 2023. On the Obverse, the design features Manzoni’s portrait, a quill and inkwell on the right, and the beginning of “I Promessi Sposi.” At the top, the inscription CITTÀ DEL VATICANO is written in a semicircle, followed by the designer’s signature G. TITOTTO. Below is the signature Alessandro Manzoni, and beneath it are the dates 1873◦2023. To the left is the Rome Mint mark R. Surrounding the coin are twelve stars representing the European Union, arranged in a circle.

Designer: Gabriella Titotto. The Common Side is on the Reverse of the coin, with a face value of 2 EURO.

Value of the 2 Euro Vatican 2023 – Alessandro Manzoni

The 2 Euro Vatican Commemorative Coin 2023, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Alessandro Manzoni’s death, has a value of €25.

2 Euro Vatican 2024 – Thomas Aquinas

You can find details about the 2 Euro Vatican coin commemorating the 750th anniversary of the death of Saint Thomas Aquinas. Price and mintage information are available.

2 Euro Vatican 2024 – Guglielmo Marconi

You can find details about the 2 Euro Vatican coin commemorating the 150th anniversary of the birth of Guglielmo Marconi. Price and mintage information are available.

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